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Fashion Forward

Designing for Circularity

The fashion Industry has set targets to change the process in which we manufacture, market and consume fashion. We communicate who we are through clothing. Fashion provides the wearer with their own unique style, without fashion we would not have the ability to express ourselves in the same way. A product’s environmental impact begins at the design process. Consumers often do not care about where a garment is made or the fabric it is made from, if the garment looks appealing then it will sell. Now, us as fashion designers, must accelerate the efforts we are making, to find solutions into a more sustainable future.

The concept of ‘Circularity’ is becoming a popular trend in the sustainable fashion approach. This means an infinitely recycled, guilt free consumption of fashion goods. A circular economy encourages a distinction between biodegradable components which naturally decompose, as well as synthetic components which cannot decompose, and therefore must be reused and recycled over and over again. Designers and consumers are beginning to learn that fabrics have a considerably longer consumption period than previously expected. Our aim as designers is to make beautifully designed garments, which are environmentally and ethically conscious, whilst maximising product longevity and durability through using sustainable fabrics, upcycling and repair.

“We believe that the future of fashion is circular – it will be restorative and regenerative by design and the clothes we love never end up as waste.” - Stella McCartney

Fashion Forward: Sustainable Design: About Me
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